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Throwback Thursday

Alan Perrin

To Night Music 2017.

The title of this work comes from a well known character in Belfast, Botanic Cyril or Wise Cyril. Cyril is the homeless man often seen in the Botanic Gardens with plastic bags full of books. Cyril is a very well read and complex individual but I was drawn to the contrast of the place in which he set himself. Belfast's Botanical Gardens in summer is a wash with colour and Cyril stands out against the flowers in full regalia. It is this which became the impetus for the work. 

Lucy Railton cello workshop

Alan Perrin

Lucy Railton has kindly agreed to give a cello workshop at Queen’s University Belfast in which she will be looking at my solo cello work The Unweaving Rainbow, along with other compositions by PhD. composers. This will take place tomorrow morning, from 10 am, at the Music Building in the Ensemble Room. 


Gamelan Nua Rehearsal

Alan Perrin

Great time had by all at the National Concert Hall Dublin with Gamelan Nua. 


If you are interested in seeing contemporary music written for Javanese Gamelan come to the concert on the 31st of July.